Club G rules
Club G has the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime.
- Do not touch someone else without permission (This includes spankings, rubbing, etc)
- Consensual interactions must be agreed upon by all parties.
- No photos or video in the club except in designated areas
- Bartenders only behind the bar
- Rooms are optional keep doors open or closed.
- No sleeping/naps in the rooms
- Nudity outside is at your own risk
- Be respectful
- NO glass outside
- No smoking in or around pool or hottub
- No sitting on side of pool
- No jumping or diving into the pool
- Closed curtain is like a closed door do not enter
- No picking at decals throughout the club
- Do NOT touch the white shadow box screen
- No unaccompanied males in the dungeon.
- Dungeon door must be kept OPEN at all times it is a open public space in the club
- No single males are allowed entrance after midnight.
- Clean up after yourself
- DO NOT use the pool table for anything other than playing pool
- Don't Yuck someone else's YUM.